Is it possible to have a bridge on one implant and one thooth?
From a technical point of view this is possible, however, it is not recommended. These structrures often break. Your own tooth has a periodontal ligament that allows a small amount of movement. An implant, however, allows NO movement whatsoever because … Lees meer
What is the succes-percentage of implants?
The life of implants increases as knowledge and experience of implantology increases. Research has shown that in the lower jaw 96% of implants stil function whitout any problems after 10 years. The prognosis in the upper jaw was always slightly
… Lees meerWhat are the disadvatages of implants?
It is impossible to imagine restorative dentistry today whitout implant treatments. If implants are indicated on time the treatment does not need to be more expensive than having a bridge fitted, for example, and the time it takes for treatments
… Lees meerWhat are the costs of a treatment?
The costs of a treatment depend on many factors. What is the situation with your teeth? What is it you like to achieve? Are you missing teeth or molars, and if so how many? Is there sufficient bone present for
… Lees meerWhat are the advantages of implants?
Implants have a very good long-term prognosis compared to other dental solusions
Your own teeth or molars do not need te be ground down (as with a bridge)
Implants are secured to the jaw and allow a fixed structure te
Can an implant be removed again?
Difficult. The bone fuses fully with an implant. If bone grows against an implant surface it becomes impossible te screw out an implant. In that cas an implant has to be drilled out and this generally results in considerable bone
… Lees meerIs the treatment painfull?
No. An effective local anaesthetic is used before surgery so no discomfort is felt as implants are placed. Any mild discomfort that may be experienced after surgery can be controlled with conventional painkiller tablets.… Lees meer
Am I too old or too young for implants?
In principle you are never too old for an implant. Implanting is possible provided that you are healthy and that you are able to physically withstand the treatment. It is regularly used with success for people aged 90+.
People can
… Lees meerWhen are implants indicated?
When you have lost or may be about to lose one or more teeth or molars that your dentist believes are essential:
If you may be about to lose teeth or molars
If you have lost teeth or molars